BenchMark® HD-1 Aviation Scale

Petra Mechatronics Middle East | Authorized reseller of

  • Heavy-duty designed mild steel base construction with 304 stainless steel cover
  • Polyurethane rubber leveling feet with stainless steel stems
  • Load cell comes standard with DB-9 connector for connecting to Tracer AV

BenchMark HD-1 Aviation Scale Specifications

Load Cell, NTEP Certified:
IP67 aluminum, environmentally sealedOutput Impedance:
350 ΩMaximum Overload:
Overload Protection:
Five-point, independently adjustedCable Length:
10 ft (3 m)Compensated Temperature Range:
14˚ F to 104˚ F (-10˚ C to 40˚ C)
Two-year limited warrantyApprovals:
NTEP CC 06-010, Class III 5,000 d
Measurement Canada AM-5625, Class III 5,000 d
Load cell is cFMus


BenchMark HD-1 Aviation Scale Dimensions

Maximum size is up to 36 in x 36 in, height is always 12 in
L x W supplied by the customer

BenchMark® HD-1 Aviation Scale

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